Harvest Fair Success -Sept 20, 2008
How do you make 39 pans of apple crisp in one night? You get Cindy LaPointe to organize the event. And what a success!

Check out the new First Congregational Banners hanging at our booth. They look wonderful. Another big thanks to Cindy
As we were assembling the apple crisp the night before the fair, the thought occurred to us that we were crazy. How are we going to keep them warm? How much ice cream do we need? What if we only sell four pans of apple crisp? Is this really going to work? But we were having a lot of fun and figured we could make the congregation eat a lot of apple crisp at coffee hour for the next month.
As it turned out, we had nothing to fear. In fact, there were a lot of disappointed fair goers who had decided to wait until the end of the day for their treat. Bad idea. We were sold out by 3:30.
And while we were busy serving up our dish, Nick Mandella just as busy trying to keep up with all the popcorn and soda sales. Ron LaPointe, Neil Mulrain and Bob Kelly split their time between running apple crisp trays to the booth and helping Nick. This is definitely an event we want to repeat. It was beautiful day, we had a lot of fun and we made over a $1,000. Thank you everyone for your help.
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Could you please send information on 2012 fairs to the above email address. I am interested and working on our schudule and do not want to miss out since we have heard great things about your fair.
Thank you for your time and help.
Cynthia Kimball
978-621-8719 or email @ harrysbirdhouses@gmail.com