Oct 2014 Newsletter

The First Congregational Church of Leicester

October 2014 Issue

Paint Night

Tuesday, October 7 (6 p.m. in the upper room)

You are invited to join us for an evening of artistic expression. Even if you have never painted before (like me!), fear not. We will be led by artist Amy Sauer, who provides all supplies as well as patient instruction. The church will provide atmosphere, snacks and non-alcoholic beverages. You may bring your own wine or beer. We gather at 6, and begin painting promptly at 6:30. Cost: $30; cash or check made out to the church must be paid on arrival. Check the website to view the paint subject (www.leicesterfcc.org).

Also, if you are able and willing to contribute something for refreshments,
please let Doreen know.

Strawberry Hill Fair: November 8

DSC00085Yes! It is Fall! The crisp mornings and sunny days and the trees in all their beauty are a picture to remember.
It is also time to think about creating a magical day at the fair. For many years we have come together to create wonderful items, handmade knitting & crocheted items.

The Christmas room is full of keepsake ornaments, door and table decor for the holiday season; and let’s not forget Christmas stockings. There is always something new to discover. The silent auction filled with so many wonderful treasures. Some things just bring back memories of long ago- not to mention that perfect something you have been looking for. The Basket Raffle has something for everyone – a great place to get some great holiday gifts for all ages. The General Raffle has lots of great items for you or a great gift. Everyone loves home baked goodies and we have many of them – some packaged for gift giving. The General Store brings us back in time with many great homemade food items – jams, relishes even handmade bird feeders. And don’t forget the veggies, hot dogs and popcorn. Lunch is always a surprise. Our kitchen crew, they sure are creative. Many hands are busy sewing and knitting beautiful winter items. Face painting and games will be enjoyed by the children. Enjoyed a good book? You can donate it to the book room.

Whoops! I forgot to mention many hands are needed to make all this possible. We sure could use your talents and any ideas to help make our fair realize another successful year. Many hands are needed on the day of the fair also. If you can help in any way- OR HAVE ITEMS TO DONATE- please contact a member of the committee.

Marie Frascolla (508 892-0038) Judy Ivel (508 892 3321) Cindy LaPointe (508 885 9875)


Bible Study / Book Group

There are on-going invitations to join two of our adult spiritual formation groups.
• The Wednesday morning group meets on the 1st and 3rd Wed each month at 10:30 a.m. at the parsonage. We explore the scripture readings that will be preached the upcoming Sunday. No advance reading is necessary, and people are welcome to come when they can.
• The Thursday evening group meets once a month to discuss a book that has been read over the course of the month. We aim for the 2nd Thursday, though this may change. The group will meet on October 9 to discuss the book Travelling Mercies: Some Thoughts on Faith, by Anne Lamotte. Feel free to read along and join us on Oct 9th at 6 p.m. We meet in North Brookfield. Carpooling from Leicester is encouraged. Contact Doreen if interested. If you can’t join us this month, but would like to be notified of the next book selected, again, contact Doreen.





A Note from the Pastor

Grace and peace to you, my friends. I’m so pleased that our adult faith formation groups have gotten underway for the season, with bible study, book discussion and even a video lecture series. With the bible study group, we started with a time of sharing about our experience with the bible – when we first heard of it, attempts to read it, etc. I thought this might be worth a wider conversation, and so I invite you to consider for yourself.

When I was a child my family had a very large leather-bound bible, with several pages devoted to family events. There were recorded my parents’ wedding date, and then the birthdates of their six children. I thought what it would be like to add my wedding date there, and list my children and their dates of birth. I’m not sure what happened to that bible, but I never did get to record such information. I probably turned past the pages of family information to see what the book was about (I was an avid reader), but I did not stick with it.

My exposure to scripture as an adult came when I started going to church regularly. I loved to hear the passage read, and then unpacked by the minister in ways I couldn’t have imagined. It was a whole ‘nother venture when I volunteered to give a sermon at my home church, and was given a scripture passage to unpack for the congregation. It was thrilling to me to read and re-read this passage, pondering with intention what it had to do with life today – life in the wider world, in my faith community, and in my own life. It was only when I’d been accepted to seminary that I considered my scriptural illiteracy and I decided to start reading the bible the summer before I started seminary. Well, I did not get far. It was shocking and confusing. It was boring in many places – what to make of all those genealogical lists? I stopped just a little bit into Leviticus and decided to enter seminary ready to learn what they thought I should learn. No one there ever did recommend sitting and reading the bible right through, from Genesis to Revelation, at least not by myself.

Since becoming a pastor, my love for scripture has increased tremendously. Through sermon research and bible studies, I feel more confident not only in my knowledge of what scripture says, but also in understanding some of the ways to approach it. It is so clear to me now why I had trouble starting at the beginning and reading through on my own. The bible is not just one book, but a collection of books. It would be like going to a section of the library, say Mysteries, and reading from one book to the next, hoping they would hold together as one story. The uniting thread of the books of the bible is God, and how God has interacted with humans through the millennia, the ways we approach and try to know God, and the ways we distance ourselves from God.

So what has your experience been with the bible? Have you ever been part of a bible study? What have you liked or disliked about that? Do you ever read scripture on your own, or with your family? What is that like? Do you have a bible and don’t know what to do with it? If you do, or if you don’t have one but would like to know more about it, contact me. If you cannot make it to the bible study, I would be happy to give you some ideas about how to get the most out of reading scripture. It is one of the great joys of ministry to have the privilege of exploring this mysterious and life-giving gift of the Word of God.

Blessings, Pastor Doreen


Share the Spirit: Engaging Worship and Faith Formation

The second and fourth Sundays each month at 5:00 p.m. in the Upper Room (next to the Sanctuary). By the time you read this we will have had our first session, but at the moment I am full of anticipation. I’ve read and researched all summer, and worked hard to develop worship, discussion and activity to engage people of all ages, inviting you to deepen your faith, to explore questions, to find meaning and connection. It is geared toward busy families, and everyone who might appreciate a less formal worship atmosphere. I hope you’ll give it a try, and be sure to invite a friend or family member.

Hot Dog Committee and Harvest Fair – THANK YOU

Hot Dog Stand Crew

Hot Dog Stand Crew

Many people have been busy all summer long with wonderful results. We are especially grateful to all those who donated items to the Hot Dog Committee to sell at our hot dog stand. To all our bakers (Wow…such great treats!) and to EVERYONE who loaded coolers, cooked hot dogs and made popcorn, helped with set-up and clean-up, waited on everyone who came to purchase our goods, tended the cash box and greeted everyone with a “hello” and “Thanks for stopping by” and/or “have a nice day” and to those who came back week after week to help realize a successful summer. You really made it happen! We ended the concert season with a profit of $2,992.00 – a job well done.



IMG_8257The Harvest Fair was a wonderful event and the weather this year was delightful. On Friday afternoon/evening we put together 40 pans of Apple Crisp in about 2½ hours and the baking began at about 8 AM on Saturday morning. We set up the tables and decorated our booth. We had great help all day long and when things started to get REALLY busy it continued right up to the end of the day when the fair ended at 4 PM. The Popcorn and Soda stand was busy ALL day also, and together our profit for the day was $1,409.00. Thank you so much to everyone who helped prepare and work our tables this year. You are all invaluable and we are so very grateful for all that you do for our church.



UCC Connections
Super Saturday, October 25



Click Here for more Information
The Massachusetts Conference is hosting a day of workshops and worship on Saturday, October 25 at the Keefe Technical School, 750 Winter St., Framingham. There are workshops on creative worship, church renewal and redevelopment, healthy church communication, effective pastoral relations committees and deacons, engaging children and families, and oh so much more. It would be great to have a team of people attending. Registration begins at 8 a.m., and the welcome and worship start at 9. The program ends at 3:45 p.m. Please check out the Conference website for information on the workshops being offered (www.macucc.org) or see Doreen for information or to register.

Worcester Fellowship

Come celebrate! Worcester Fellowship pastor, Rev. Georgeanne Bennett is being installed in the ministry of Worcester fellowship on Sunday, October 5 during their

Rev. Georgeanne Bennett

Rev. Georgeanne Bennett

usual worship time (1:30ish). All are welcome to this festive occasion. Dress for outdoor worship.

Lunch providers: We are scheduled as lunch providers for WF on Sunday, October 26. Please see the sign-up sheet for donations beginning October 12. Many helping hands are needed to prepare the lunches in Russell Hall after worship on the 26th, so please join us if you can. All are welcome to join us for lunch and worship on the Worcester Common beginning at 1 p.m. Also, with the weather getting colder, donations of hats, gloves, mittens, scarves and clean white socks are most appreciated.



In Our Prayers
Never underestimate the power of prayer. You are invited, as you read this, to add your prayers for those listed. Take a moment to breathe in God’s Spirit, and channel your good will and hopes to each person or situation named. You might imagine them surrounded by a healing light, or held in God’s hand. May this simple practice fill you with peace and hope.

– For Ora Lamprey, who has trouble getting out of her house, that she is reminded that she is surrounded by the love and friendship she has shown to so many others.
– For Kristen Lewis (Quentin’s daughter) as she travels to South America for a month-long adventure
– For those dealing with mental illness and addictions, that they find clarity, purpose and compassion for themselves and from others.



Collector’s Report


Loose Offerings  Envelopes/Pledges    Totals

8-31  $ 22.00                $ 493.00      $ 515.00

9-07    $ 37.00                    $ 520.00      $ 557.00

9-14    $ 29.00                    $ 758.00      $ 787.00

9-21    $ 6.00          $ 458.00      $ 464.00
Totals $ 94.00                  $2,229.00    $2,323.00