August 2011 Newsletter
Congregational Connections
The First Congregational Church of Leicester
August 2011 Issue
Church Picnic at
Stiles Lake
Saturday, August 27
Come and share a fun afternoon at the lake. Spend a few hours having fun in the sun (and shade), and visiting with your church family. All are welcome.
Date: Saturday August 27th
Time: Noon until…?
Rain Date: Sunday August 28th following Coffee Hour
Please Bring:
*Swimsuits, Towels, Swim Shoes (or old sneakers-for tender feet), Life Jackets for the children.
*Something to share: Snacks, Salads, Casseroles, Veggies, Fruit, Desserts, etc.
Hamburgers and Hot Dogs will be provided!
Please let Cindy LaPointe know when you have decided what you would like to bring for menu planning, and about how many will be coming.
For directions, or if you have questions, call Cindy & Ron LaPointe at 508-885-9875. Hope to see you there.
A Note from the Pastor
I am just back from my 2-week vacation, which included five days at a lovely resort. The weather was gorgeous, and there were all kinds of activities – kayaking, swimming, volleyball, ping-pong, tennis. My extended family gathered in the dining hall for three meals a day – all cooked, served and cleaned up for us. The menu selections were varied and delicious. There were people to plan activities, provide us with supplies, clean the rooms, make the beds, and even neaten up our recreation room.
We enjoyed each other’s company and had a wonderful time. And still at each mealtime gathering there was a good bit of time devoted to complaining. Here is a sampling of the complaints: the service was too slow, they ran out of the special entrée or dessert, the dining room wallpaper was ugly, there was a buffet lunch instead of being able to order from the menu, there weren’t enough kayaks at our beach, the kids stayed up too late at night and slept in too late in the morning, this sibling was bossy, that one too cheap. When one person said he’d complain to the management about something, another suggested letting it go. The first person mocked the second for being a fool, a sucker who would always be taken advantage of with that attitude. Though I can’t claim I was innocent of complaining myself, I was unpleasantly surprised at how much we seemed to sweat the small stuff. These small things by no means changed the sense that it had been a wonderful vacation – everyone would have said so. But still it discomforted me to be in such a blessed situation in which every flaw, every inconvenience was noted and remarked upon.
One of the Summer Reflections was drawn from the book A Complaint-Free World, by Will Bowen. The title subtexts are “take the 21-day challenge” and “how to stop complaining and start enjoying the life you always wanted.” His belief is that the causal connection between unpleasant situations and complaining is the opposite of what common sense would dictate. We think we complain because of something unpleasant, but he suggests that the unpleasant things come our way because we complain. The 21-day challenge is to go for 21 consecutive days without complaining, gossiping or criticizing AT ALL. It took him about 8 months to achieve that goal. He says people who have achieved this goal have been amazed at how much better life is, how many positive people and wonderful opportunities enter in. Though I have not taken up the challenge, I have become much more aware of the complaining I do. Unfortunately, I have also become more attuned to the complaints of others, which is a form of criticism so I am convicted there also. But I also sense that all this new awareness is reshaping my mind and thought patterns in a beneficial way. The notion of a complaint-free world is a powerful idea and if anyone is interested in reading it and/or taking the 21-day challenge, let me know. I’d be glad to loan out the book and offer support.
I have been thinking about the reaction of the person who thought you are a sucker if you just let things go by without complaint. So many of us hate to feel foolish, are so on guard against being taken advantage of. I wonder sometimes if Jesus understood this vulnerability we have. He sure didn’t share it, giving everything – even his life – to people, some who recognized the gifts, and some who didn’t appreciate it. He washed the feet of his disciples and said he came to save and to serve, not to lord over people. He taught them that they were to do likewise. I wonder if he had no patience for such fears, if he knew they were but obstacles to love, obstacles to the beloved community. If everyone clung tightly to their pride, to their concern for their own needs and comfort, to their desire to be in the right, the kingdom would be slow in coming. Though I can’t think of any scripture in which Jesus addresses this directly, I am inspired by the words of Paul: “We are fools for Christ’s sake,” and “If God is for us, who can be against us?” I wonder what kind of joy we could invite into the life of FCC if we opened ourselves up to being big ole fools. Any thoughts?
Blessings, Pastor Doreen
RE Committee & Teacher News
I would like to have an RE Committee meeting on Aug. 24th or 25th about our up-coming year. It will be at my home and we will feed you dinner! Let me know what date and time works best for you and I will contact everyone with a definite day and time.
Also, I would like to have a Sunday School Organizing Day on Sept. 17th. Classes begin the next day and though I would like to do it sooner – I find myself very busy on weekends. The rooms desperately need to be cleaned and organized so that we do not spend half of the class searching for what we need and I can’t do this alone so please come to help that day. I plan to be there for 9am (kids and others are welcome to come help too!)
Thanks for your support,
Chris Cathcart
Harvest Fair: Sat, Sept 17
– Rain or Shine
We will be selling Apple Crisp and Ice Cream again this year on the common. Also popcorn and soda from the church lawn.
Friday afternoon/evening (the 16th) we will be making the Apple Crisp in the church kitchen with anticipation of that wonderful aroma that fills up the whole church the day of the fair.
If you can help out either day (or both) or if you can spend just an hour or two, we would be extremely grateful. If the weather is as wonderful as it was the last two years we will need many hands to get through the day. It’s a great event – hopefully you won’t miss it!
Sunday School News
Hello everyone! It’s that time of the year again when we prepare for Sunday School. This year classes will begin on Sept. 18th. During coffee hour there will be members of the RE Committee to register your children. Please be sure to complete the registrations in full, as it is much-needed information. If you can’t attend that day but wish to have your children attend Sunday School this year please speak to a RE Committee member or a teacher to complete the registration form.
I also wanted to mention that I am still in need of teachers so that I can be helping out in all of the classrooms and devoting my time to other parts of the children’s ministry such as youth outreach, youth group and missions projects for kids. So, if you feel called please speak with a RE committee member, Rev. Doreen or myself.
The 5th – 8th Graders (Kingdom Kids) have a new curriculum this year that we are very excited about! I like it so much that I wish I was teaching it too (though I still do love my own curriculum of course)! The kids will be learning the known facts of Jesus’ life through games, crafts, building activities and some outings as well. In October they will be building Palestine!
The 1st – 4th Graders (High Pointers) will continue to fly around to different destinations. We will begin the year learning about Responsibility in Japan; we will then fly to Mexico where we will learn about Worship. The other places we will visit are Africa to learn Gratefulness, Ireland to learn about our Every Day Choices and we will also return to New York for Easter to learn more about Hope.
The Preschool and Kindergartners (Boz Kids) will be talking about Our Wonderful God. They will be covering lessons titled Jesus Loves Me and will be learning The Bible Teaches Me How To Live. They will also have Christmas and Easter Lessons geared for their age.
We are looking to introduce more music to our children’s ministry and since I am not at all musically inclined (and my teachers tell me they aren’t either!) – I am reaching out to you . . .
I am looking for someone or several people who have the gift of music to volunteer in the classrooms for about 10 to 15 min. once a month to work with the kids and teachers. I would ask you to play an instrument or sing (whatever your gift may be) and lead the kids in song. We (the teachers) feel that we are quite lacking in this area and would truly appreciate the help (and so would the kids!)
I also am looking for volunteers to be my “Wacky Character” again this year. I need to find the following:
Terry Yakki – an enthusiastic but thoroughly bad chef (Sept. 18, 25, Oct. 9, 16, 23)
Bobby Blunder – a reluctant member of a short-term missions team. (Oct. 30, Nov. 13, 20, 27, Dec. 11)
Penny Dollarsworth – a snobbish, spoiled brat who concentrates solely on getting what she wants when she wants it. (Jan. 8, 15, 22, 29, Feb. 12)
Terri F. Heights – Returns to visit again! Terri is a window washer who is afraid of heights. (Feb. 19, 26, Mar. 11, 18, 25)
Spud Russet – a stereotypical couch potato (Apr. 15, 22, 29, May 13, 20)
Please consider volunteering – it will enrich your life and those of the children as well. Talk to some of the volunteers from last year to hear how much fun they had!
If you can’t volunteer or feel called to help with a donation, the following is a list of needed items:
Kingdom Kids:
Sept. 18
– wall maps of Palestine (present day and Bible times)
– Pictures of Jesus in many guises (such as black, Nordic, rugged, ethereal)
Oct. 9
– samples of various holy books (such as Koran, Torah and Talmud, Upanishads, Catholic, Greek or Orthodox Bibles, the Book of Mormon – the library may have them)
– wooden dowels – about ½” wide by 1 foot long (need 20)
– ribbon (colors – black, white, red, blue, orange, green or brown – thin – no larger than ¼” wide)
– leather/imitation leather (8 ½ x 11 – need 10)
– parchment type paper (8 ½ x 11 – at least 40 pages)
Oct. 23
– “Jesus Among the People” video – prefer a dvd – not sure where to get it.
– Bible atlas with pictures of Palestine
– 3’ x 4’ plywood board
– wallpaper paste or several large bottles of glue
– small cardboard boxes in all shapes
– small round mirror
– very small river rocks (can be found at Wal-Mart and the Dollar Tree)
High Pointers:
Sept. 25 -large box animal crackers
Oct. 16 -white poster board (need 5 sheets)
Oct. 23
– chopsticks (need 12 pairs)
– Jellybeans (must have the following colors: black, red, white, gold/yellow, and green)
– Oct. 30 – 120 squares of chocolate candy (can be Hershey bars that I can split)
– Avery 1 x 2 5/8” self-adhesive mailing labels (5260, 5960, 8160 or 8460) (need 5 sheets)
Boz Kids:
Sept. 18
– white poster board – small size (need 6)
– Picture books about Creation or anything God has made
Sept. 25
– “Gingerbread Man” cookie cutters (need 6)
Oct. 9
– plastic containers with lids (need 6)
– Zipper sandwich bags
– Corn kernels
– Large birdseed (without nuts)
– Small dried berries
– Child’s doctor kit (need 1)
– Picture books about animals
Oct. 16
– jingle bells
– Small plastic containers (need 6)
– Letter beads
– Picture books about hygiene, exercise, nutrition
Oct. 23
– pie tins (need 6)
– Masking tape
– Small dowel rods (12” long need 6)
– 4” x 8 ½” pieces sandpaper (need 6)
– 4” x 8 ½” pieces burlap (need 6)
– blue chenille stems
– picture books about crossing the Red Sea or mighty acts of God’s power
Oct. 30
– foam packing peanuts (need 18 for this lesson but will need more in future
– Lessons to fill 5 med. Sized boxes)
– Toothpicks
– Foam blocks 4” x 2” x 2” (need 6)
– Large die
– Building blocks (minimum of 36 blocks)
– Small/medium river stones (about small building block size)(found at Wal-Mart and Dollar Tree)
– Picture books about natural forces such as fire, water, lightning
Thank you all so much for all your support of our Children’s ministry.
Chris Cathcart
Sunday School Director
Hot Dog Committee Update 
We are in full swing and now that August has arrived we find there are only a few concerts left in this season. Our hot dogs and baked goods are so popular, not to mention popcorn!!
The concerts start early (6:30pm) for the month of August and if you can come to help out we would be most grateful. So far we have turned in $1,000.00 for the general expenses of the church and we’re hoping to match that before September arrives.
Thank you to everyone who has pitched in to help on concert night and to those who have donated baked goods and other food items. YOU ARE WONDERFUL!
• Please keep Cliff and Jan Albrecht and their family in prayer on the death of his son, Steven Albrecht on July 15. Steven was the father of four teen-aged/young adult children. He will be missed tremendously.
• Prayers also for Brave Eagle and family on the death of his mother Exilda (Del) Soucie on July 8.
• Please hold in prayer all those who struggle with chronic pain and illnesses, both physical and mental. May they encounter hope, compassion, skill and wisdom
Your Opinions Matter!
“Reviews should be a regular, predictable part of the congregation’s life…a process providing believable feedback.” – David R. McMahill in “Completing the Circle.”
How do you really feel about your worship experience here at FCC Leicester? The Church Council wants to know! That’s why we’re looking for volunteers to take part in an evaluation process to begin sometime in September or October. This evaluation will not be in the form of a paper-and-pen checklist, but rather an open discussion of the effectiveness of the various ministries comprising our worship.
Communication is key, so let’s move the ideas, praises, complaints, etc. from our coffee-time chats to a forum which could really make a difference. If you have a Sunday afternoon to spare and you’d like to take part, please give your name to Chris Cathcart, Carol Mulrain or Jackie Henderson.
Thanks to the Worship Leaders
It was wonderful to be able to take two weeks of vacation knowing that worship would be meaningful.
Deacons Bob Kelly, Nancy Desautels, Chase Orsi, & Neil Mulrain did their usual duties as well as taking on important roles in the liturgy – readings, prayers, and offering. Bob Shauris and Jim Cathcart gave sermons that fed the mind and soul. Thank you all for sharing your gifts. Guests preachers are always welcome, and I am happy to work with anyone who wants to give it a try. Let me know, and we’ll set a date.
Worcester Fellowship Lunch Providers: August 28
Please sign-up on August 21 to contribute food items. If you are not in worship on the 21st, please contact Quentin Lewis or Pastor Doreen to let us know what you can bring.
Helping hands will be needed on the 28th to prepare the lunch, and everyone is welcome to attend the lunch and worship behind Worcester City Hall beginning at 1:00 p.m. It is truly a joyous and meaningful experience.
Summer Reflections
Just a few weeks left, but it’s not too late to participate. The only requirement is to try one of the four suggested spiritual practices and report back to me, to another participant, or with the congregation at large in newsletter or worship. Contact Pastor Doreen ASAP if you are interested.
Women’s Association Meeting
September 7 at noon at the church to work on projects for the Strawberry Hill Fair ( just over 2 months away, November 12th ).
Collection Report for May, June and July
May 1 $1,029.00
May 8 $2,283.00 (includes $1,000.00 rent)
May15 $1,062.00
May 22 $584.00
May 29 $2,631.30 (includes $1,076.00 organ fund)
TOTAL $7,589.61
June 5 $2,289.00 (includes $45.00 organ fund)
June 12 $1,709.00
June 19 $963.00 (includes $150.00 tornado relief)
June 26 $1,085.00
TOTAL $6,046.00
July 3 $1,929.00
July 10 $240.00
July 17 $1,273.00 (includes $100 organ fund)
July 24 $222.00
July 31 $741.00
TOTAL $4,405.00
Calling all church members!
Emergency meeting August 14 immediately after worship.
The Trustees are proposing changing over the heating system of the church from oil to gas, and seek the church’s approval for the expenditure. All are welcome to come hear the presentation of the proposal, ask questions, share your thoughts. Members will be asked to vote on the expenditure.