Feb 2013 Newsletter


“Have a Heart”

February is Blanket Month!


Blankets available for only $5.00 each
Checks payable to: First Congregational Church of Leicester
Note: Blankets


See this month’s Moment for Mission for more information about this Church World Service Outreach program.

For more information about where and how your donations are used: CLICK HERE



Welcome New Members!

On Sunday, January 6 we welcomed two new members to our church family.

Norma Dodge has been attending church in this building sporadically since meeting her husband,Tom Dodge, in 1960. She says, “Whenever we came to visit family, we would sing in the choir under JoAnn May — always a great experience!! We moved a lot, but usually found a meaningful church home wherever we lived. Tom died of kidney failure in 2002. I was an addictions counselor for 20 years, retiring in 2005. In 2010, I sold my house in Pittsburgh, PA, and moved in with Ann Cutting, Tom’s mother. Her incredible love for me and her positive attitude make me continually happy that I made the move!! I have three adult children, two in Virginia and one in Leicester. My four granddaughters, 16, 14, 6, & 4 all live in Virginia, so I frequently head in that direction. I love to travel, sing, and play disc golf.”

Pam Jubinville started coming to FCC in the fall of 2011, having moved to Leicester from Arizona the previous winter with her children Zavier, age 9 and Zoe, age 4. Pam grew up in Holden, not just a preacher’s kid, but the daughter of two UCC ministers. This past fall she married her sweetheart from years ago, Michael Jubinville. What a full plate she has with her new blended family and her full-time work as a lawyer. She has also gotten involved in teaching Sunday school at FCC. She finds such joy in all of it that she makes it look easy.


Special Congregational Meeting: Sunday, February 17

In the Sanctuary immediately after worship. The church Collector resigned as of January 1, 2013, and we must elect a new one to complete this term. Stephanie Orsi has been appointed by the Council as acting Collector until the election, and she has been nominated for the elected office. While all are welcome to attend the meeting, only church members are able to vote. A quorum of 15 voting members is required.






A Note from the Pastor

I just looked down at my calendar and am shocked to see how full it is. It is much fuller than December was. Can that be right? I don’t feel like I’m working terribly hard. Perhaps that is because so many of the entries mark an event that uplifted me or grounded me or fulfilled me in some way. Here is what’s there: two bible studies, 4 book groups, a funeral, a new member welcome service, several pastoral visits and calls, a clergy support group meeting, a 3-day training on church interpersonal dynamics, five visits/meals with personal friends (definitely a record!), two family gatherings, a drive to Vermont with my daughter, a date with my husband, a gathering of anti-racist white allies, a sacred conversation on race, two M.L.King Day community breakfasts, a graveside commitment service, a pastoral relations meeting, a council meeting, a committee on ministry (Central Association) meeting, a Confirmation meeting, a church pot-luck lunch, and lots of reading, prayer, research and writing, as well as bulletin prep and leading worship each week. No wonder I didn’t get to the gym much! But I sure was exercising those spiritual muscles. The majority of these events included prayer or worship or deep and meaningful conversation. When I consider this, I can see how ordination into parish ministry does indeed set one apart. It’s not that I think pastors are more holy or closer to God, but they do have the great privilege and responsibility to build a life around God. In the course of my day-to-day tasks and responsibilities, I am frequently reminded that I labor for God and God’s people, and that the outcome of my labor is in the hands of God. I am quite certain that I would not remember that so well if I was in another profession, though I think it is the truth for everyone. We all labor for God, and the results of all our labors are in God’s hands.


In some ways, though, I am lazier about personal spiritual disciplines than I was before I became a pastor. Now I count on my job to prompt me to pray and reflect and connect with God with and through others. Before, I had to be intentional about it. I had to set time apart for those things, and I did. Not constantly, but periodically. I would try different spiritual practices, gather with others for short-term groups, walk the labyrinth, teach Sunday school, read the Psalms daily, or sing hymns on my nightly walks. Is it like that for you? Do you long to go deeper in your faith than you are now? Do you wish to be reminded more often of who and whose you are? Lent was always a time that nudged me into deepening my connection with Jesus. Can it be your invitation as well? Perhaps you could join one of the bible or book study groups, just for a little while. Or maybe you’d like to do something on your own – take up a spiritual practice, or start a new short-term group that does something together just for Lent. I would love to offer suggestions and support, whether about specific practices, or a way to be accountable, or just someone to check in with about how it’s going. I’m also willing to send out daily scripture passages with questions for your consideration. Just let me know what would be helpful. If nothing else, I encourage you to come to worship more regularly, on Sundays and also for the special Lenten services for Ash Wednesday and Maundy Thursday. The world will constantly throw misinformation at you about who you are, about what you labor for, about what is or is not possible in this world. You deserve to be reminded regularly, consistently that you are God’s own child, that you are loved completely and unconditionally, and that all things are possible with God.

Blessings, Pastor Doreen


A Moment for Missions by Nancy Desasutels

For the past 20 years, or so, the month of February has been known as “Blanket Month” at First Congregational Church and our motto has been “Have a Heart – Give a Blanket”. This tradition was started by long time church member Betty Allen and was just one of many projects she was involved in, both within our church and our community at large. In 2002 she was looking for someone to “take over” and I agreed to take ownership of this outreach mission for Church World Service. According to CWS “the $5 blanket is the basic concept of every response program” and through their “Blanket + Program” they distribute thousands of blankets, as well as other emergency supplies, throughout the US and the World. For example, in 2010 8,950 blankets were shipped to Haiti for distribution to those effected by the January 12 earthquake and 6,725 blankets were distributed throughout the US to those effected by tornadoes, hurricanes, severe summer and winter storms, and to the homeless and disadvantaged.

I never cease to be amazed by the generosity and caring shown by the people of this church and am proud to play a small part as we reach out to those in need. Since 2002 our congregation has donated a total of $9,065 – or 1,813 blankets, and has consistently placed among the top 5 churches in the Northeast Region in per capita donations.

During the month of February there will be a sample woolen CWS blanket hanging in the back of the Sanctuary. On it are180 red hearts and for every $5 received I will add a white heart with the donors name on it. The first 20 white hearts represent an annual donation by the Woman’s Association. As devastating natural disasters and poverty continue to plague our world I hope we will continue to join hearts in supporting this mission.


Evaluating our Ministries: an Ongoing Process

“Reviews should be a regular, predictable part of the congregation’s life…a process providing believable feedback.” – David R. McMahill in Completing the Circle


Some of you may remember an evaluation meeting that took place in October, 2011. Those of you who volunteered that day sat around the oval table, openly discussing the various ministries comprising our worship, sharing complaints, praises, ideas and suggestions.

The Pastoral Relations Committee is now in the process of organizing the next phase of evaluations which will take place after worship on Sunday, March 10. This time, the topic of discussion will be the Missions Committee. To help prepare, all participants will receive a list of discussion questions one week in advance on March 3.

During the month of February, we’ll be looking for several volunteers who might want to take part in this process. However, you don’t have to wait to be approached. If interested, give your name to any member of Pastoral Relations: Marie Frascolla, Len Ivel, or Jackie Henderson.

Come join the discussion and let your voice be heard!


Coming in February: “Hot Topics” by the Pastoral Relations Comm.

Imagine a pot of spaghetti on the stove: you’ve checked it once or twice and see that it’s gently simmering. “Looks fine,” you say, replacing the lid on the pot and leaving the kitchen. But we all know what can happen next: without careful watching, that pot can boil over, creating a sticky mess that’s no fun to clean up.

Here at FCC, we have our own “pots” that simmer: namely those things we complain about during fellowship; those things that bother us but seem to stay in the pot with the lid tightly in place. This is what prompted the “Hot Topics” idea at a recent Pastoral Relations meeting, and here’s how it works:

A box, paper and pens will be in Russell Hall along with the hot topic for the month. February’s question will be, “How do you feel when Doreen refers to God as SHE?” Write a brief response – anonymously – on the paper provided and slip it in the box. If you would like a private discussion with Doreen, include that request and don’t forget to sign your name. At the end of the month, Doreen will take a moment during worship to address the general feeling of those who responded, which could result in future discussion of changes, improvements, etc.

The PR Committee is hoping this idea will prevent our own simmering issues from reaching full boil and spilling out to create a mess which could have been avoided.

Your PR Comm: Marie Frascolla, Len Ivel, Jackie Henderson


Worship Cancellation Procedure


The pastor, deacon and trustee will consult by 7:30 am on the day of the worship service to determine if the worship service must be cancelled or postponed due to inclement weather. Consideration will be given to travel advisories, weather outlook, and the condition of the church itself (i.e. confirm there is heat and electricity and that the parking lot and walkways will be cleared).

Regardless of whether or not worship is officially cancelled, all parishioners, staff and leaders are urged to make their own decision based on their individual circumstances: safety is our first priority.

Any worship or Sunday school leader unable to be present can notify Rev. Doreen via her cell (978-846-6498). By 8 am, information regarding the canceling or continuing of worship will be left on the outgoing voicemail. All staff and lay leaders are advised to check the outgoing voicemail for the information. If the power is out, the answering machine won’t be activated, and worship is likely cancelled. People may also call the parsonage in that situation for confirmation (508-859-8060). If the decision is made to cancel or postpone the service, calls will be attempted to the following individuals, but they should also check church voicemail: Organist and Choir, the Deacons of the day, any individuals participating actively in the service (e.g. special guests and worship attendants).


Super Saturday

Join hundreds of delegates, pastors and lay leaders from all over the Massachusetts Conference for a day of worship and workshops. Saturday, March 9 from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. at Ludlow High School. See the Mass Conference website (www.macucc.org) for information about workshops offered and to register, or ask Pastor Doreen for a flyer.



Worcester Fellowship Lunch Providers: Sun, Feb 24

Please look for the contribution signup sheet in Russell Hall beginning February 10 if you wish to donate lunch supplies. Many helping hands are needed to assemble the lunches on Feb. 24, so please join in. All are welcome to join us for lunch and worship on the Common behind Worcester City Hall beginning at 1 p.m.




Pick-Up Choir: Sun, Feb 10


If you love to sing but can’t make a commitment to becoming a full-time choir member, then our Pick-Up Choir is perfect for you! All voices are welcome, both women and men. And knowing how to read music is not necessary!

It’s a small amount of time for a HUGE amount of fun! Please join us!

Give your name to Bob, Cindy or Jackie by Sunday, Feb 3, and we will see you at rehearsal!!

Here’s how it works:
1. Attend rehearsal Wednesday evening Feb 6 (specific time negotiable). Bob will teach an easier anthem as well as a simple introit and benediction.

2. Attend the Sunday morning “warm up” at 9:00 on Feb 10. Choose a choir robe, and you’re ready to go!


Women’s Association


Meets Wednesday, February 6 at noon at the parsonage. Norma Dodge will be sharing about her mission trip to Zimbabwe, with pictures,

, descriptions of conditions and needs there. Feel free to bring a brown bag lunch. Dessert will be provided.

The Women’s Association meets the first Wednesday of each month at noon, in Russell Hall unless otherwise noted. All women connected with the church are welcome, whether members, visitors, or friends of members.


Bible/Book Study Groups


Monday evenings at 7:00 p.m.; Wednesday morning at 10:30 a.m. ; and Thursdays at 5 p.m. (in N. Brookfield) All are welcome to attend regularly or drop in when they can. Contact Pastor Doreen for locations, exact meeting schedule and reading assignments. It is a fun, engaging and interesting way to learn more about our scriptures and our faith, and to build connections. Please join us.


Communion Visits


Just a reminder that I will gladly bring Communion to people in their homes who have had trouble getting to church. Ideally this would be on the first Sunday of the month, when Communion is served in church, but I would also bring it at other times if people feel the need or desire.

If you or someone you know might be served by this ministry, please contact me, Pastor Doreen by the Thursday before each Communion Sunday, or with a day’s notice Monday through Thursdays.


In Our Prayers

Never underestimate the power of prayer. You are invited, as you read this, to add your prayers for those listed. Take a moment to breathe in God’s Spirit, and channel your good will and hopes to each person or situation named. You might imagine them surrounded by a healing light, or held in God’s hand. May this simple practice fill you with peace and hope.

– For Paula, struggling with financial and relationship problems.
– For Pastor Liz Magill of Worcester Fellowship who still struggles with her concussion since mid-October and wants desperately to get back to her regular work schedule.
– For Tom Sheehan, Ellie Latham’s brother-in-law, as he is recovering beautifully from his heart surgery (new pacemaker and hardware) but still suffers with an unknown mass in his lung.
– For Tom’s wife, Bev and their children, Andy and Noah for strength and comfort.
– For Kathy Wade, Ellie Latham’s friend, who’s undiagnosed muscular disease is rapidly getting worse as she tries to get her disability insurance reinstated.
– For ‘M’, a 12 yr old girl, suffering with Bipolar and other mental illnesses that she does not harm herself.
– For the Homeless and anyone out in the streets, to find warmth, shelter, and food in this extremely cold winter and for God’s Grace to guide them.
– For Nancy Desautel’s friend Carol S. who is facing challenges in several life areas.
– For Doug and Brenda Ponton who are dealing with Brenda’s health crisis.
– For all those struggling with addictions, for those working towards recovery that they find the support they need and the courage and persistence to succeed.
– For Doug Bashista’s aunt Marge, recently diagnosed with cancer and starting chemotherapy.
– For Rick who lost his job and has been evicted and is not sure where he will go.


Share Your Reflections on Lent

The first six people who agree to share their thoughts about Lent will receive a copy of “Spring Cleaning: Lent Devotions” by the UCC Still Speaking writers. You might want to share about a Lenten fast or a spiritual practice you tried, or would like to try, or what Lent means to you. If you are uncomfortable speaking in public, you can give your reflection to Pastor Doreen, and she or one of the deacons will share it – and you get the book! The first Sunday of Lent is February 17, and there will be time for sharing each Sunday leading up to Easter. Contact Pastor Doreen to let her know when you’d like your reflection shared. It doesn’t need to be long, anywhere from a paragraph to a page or so.


Bunny Day Eggstravaganza: Sat, March 23

Yes indeed, we really need to start thinking about Bunny Day and preparing for our Bunny festivities. I know it seems too soon but Easter comes early again this year and we have much to do to get ready. The sign-up board will be placed in Russell Hall and we really need to know how many people we can depend on for the activities……..the advertising won’t go out unless there are enough people to take part in the day’s events. Please check your calendar for Sat., March 23rd., and place your name on the sign-up sheet for a really fun and happy day involved with children and welcoming young families into our church hall. If you can help in any way, large or small, we would be most grateful.

HELPERS NEEDED: Help is needed in decorating the hall and setting up the craft tables and food areas as well as the basket raffle tables and the section for coffee, juice and “nibbles”. We also need someone to assist with the Food Pantry collection area and the men will need able hands to set up the outdoor area used for the egg hunt; also many people to surround the area to keep the children safe as they scurry around collecting their eggs.

DONATIONS NEEDED: We will collect baskets, stuffed animals, small toys, books, games, etc., for our basket raffle……..all for children ages ten and under. Also, plastic eggs filled with soft, pre-wrapped candy. (Bags of eggs will be available in Russell Hall to be filled and returned by ………Sunday, March 10th.)

ALL PROCEEDS from Bunny Day are donated to the LEICESTER FOOD BANK along with the food and canned goods collected as “admission” to the event.

More “news” will follow in next month’s newsletter. PLEASE SAVE THE DATE !!!

Can you believe this will be our 10th Bunny Day Easter Party ????