June 2011 Newsletter



Celebration of Ordination of Kay Lantman Loudon


Kay Lantman Loudon

On Sunday, June 26, at 4:00 p.m., former member of FCC Kay Loudon will be ordained in and on behalf of the United Church of Christ at the Housatonic Congregational Church where she has been serving as their Pastor.

If anyone would like to carpool from the church to attend this event (after Annual Meeting), please see Pastor Doreen.






Introducing FCC’s new Publicist

Tom Shea



Tom has been eager to get more involved with the church, and has done marketing work in the past.

If there is an event for the church that you would like publicized in the wider community, make sure you let Tom know, and he’ll get the word out.

Thanks Tom!






Stewardship Campaign


The Stewardship Campaign for fiscal year June 1, 2011 through May 31, 2012 culminated on Sunday May 15th.


Pledges received are 11 pledges
totaling $22,226.00. Sadly this amount does not nearly meet the new proposed budget of over $140,000.00.


There is still time to get your pledge
into the Stewardship committee before the annual meeting in June.

Please give thoughtful prayerful consideration and make your pledge


Annual Meeting:  June 26



Please join us on Sunday, June 26 for our Annual meeting, where we hear reports from various committees on what’s been happening, and where we plan the budget and committee staffing in the year ahead.


The meeting will begin during worship, with reports integrated into the liturgy, and reports likely to generate discussion continuing after the service.


The reports will be available one week before the meeting, and you are strongly encouraged to read them in advance and note any questions you have. We would like to have the reports summarized rather than read at annual meeting.


It could be a lovely summer day, and some people will be driving to Housatonic for the ordination of Kay Loudon. Let’s have a thorough, but focused and efficient meeting.



Behind the Scenes 

Neil and Carol Mulrain










Pastor Doreen came to church on Saturday, May 14 for the baptism, and found Carol Mulrain in front of the church up to her elbows in potting soil as she planted and weeded and generally beautified the grounds with the help of grandson Dean St. Laurent. Of course Neil Mulrain was nearby, cleaning the mower after cutting the grass which he does faithfully. Thanks so much to the Mulrains for all their work, adding beauty and such appeal to the place.














We are delighted to have welcomed three new little sisters in Christ during the month of May.


On May 14, Zena and Gabrielle Erickson were brought by their mother Amber Forget and godparents Chase Orsi and Katelyn Bouckhaert for baptism. In addition to Deacon Ann Orsi, Ken and Ellie Latham were able to come to represent the congregation. There was a lovely reception afterwards for the many friends and family who attended.

Natalie LaPointe’s Baptism

On May 15 during worship, Natalie Rae LaPointe was presented for baptism by her parents Mark and Kristine LaPointe, with godparents David and Jessica Stango. What a delight to have the third generation of the LaPointe/Sprague clan to be baptized at FCC.

Click Here for more pictures


Leicester Ecumenical Group Independence Day Worship Service:  June 29


Wednesday, June 29 at 7:00 p.m. at Christ Episcopal Church. There will be prayer, scripture and readings from several sources that lift up what this nation stands for. Readers wanted, especially veterans. Please see Pastor Doreen if you are interested.


Ministry Evaluation


Have you been coming to worship pretty regularly? Have you been staying away?


We want to know what your experience in worship has been like. Worship is so vital to our communal life as Christians. We want to know if and how the experience deepens your relationship with God and the church. We want to know what touches your heart, stirs your soul, challenges your thinking, and inspires new life.  Won’t you join us for a conversation about this?


Please see Carol Mulrain, Jackie Henderson, or Chris Cathcart if you are interested in participating.




A Note from the Pastor

When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability.   – Acts 2:1-4


As I write this, we are still in the midst of the season of Eastertide, with Pentecost fast approaching. Pentecost is considered the birthday of the Church, the day when the followers of Christ were gathered together and were blessed with the Holy Spirit to go forth and spread the good news of God’s love in languages people can understand.


The story of Pentecost is often read and preached in context with the story of the tower of Babel. In the latter story, all people start off speaking the same language, but after they tried to build a tower to heaven, God confused and diversified their languages. Pentecost is understood as rectifying the confused languages, but it does not remove the diversity, it does not bring back one universal language for all people. What happens in the story of Pentecost is that the diversity remains, but people can still understand each other. They understand the message of God’s love.


I recently attended a Central Association meeting, and all were asked to share about where they saw the Holy Spirit blowing in their ministries. I thought of our bible/book study group, people gathered out of love for Christ and the faith, seeking insight and connection. It is a diverse group in age, life circumstances, theological perspectives, and political viewpoints – much like the entire body of FCC. We share openly, taking chances, asking questions to better understand. We don’t shy away from areas where there is disagreement, but speak with love and respect, appreciating our diversity. We don’t literally speak different languages, but we have all come to recognize and cherish the diverse orientations we have to faith and to life. I would love to find ways for this depth and breadth of conversation to extend to other groups – to share thoughts about Sunday scripture readings or sermons or music- to talk about how we spend our time and money as a church – to think about outreach and justice and Christian education.

Monday Bible Study Group

What a blessing that this year our Religious Education Sunday falls on Pentecost. The winds of the Spirit will surely be blowing through our lovely Sanctuary. We will celebrate the Confirmation of Ricky Spaulding. We will affirm Callie Ackley on her spiritual walk with us. We will see how God’s love has been poured out to and through all the children and teachers in our Sunday School program. So I hope you will come, come and listen for all the ways God’s love is poured out. Come and see God glorified right in our very midst.




Pastor Doreen


A Moment for Missions

By:  Jackie Henderson

When Pastor Doreen asked us recently to think about the donations we make outside of our church walls, I knew immediately what I’d tell you about.  The Second Chance Animal Shelter in East Brookfield (and now their new Wellness and Education Center in North Brookfield) are my favorite local missions.


This small, no-kill shelter is doing outstanding work, and to help accomplish this, they rely heavily on private donations.  Along with monetary gifts, they gladly accept everything else from paper towels to snuggly toys, warm blankets, dry food, and the donated hours of volunteer workers.  If you think you might be able to help, you can learn more at their website:  secondchanceanimals.org.


Even a toddler can make you understand when he’s frightened or ill.  But animals have no voice; who speaks for them when they’re abandoned or abused?  The Second Chance Shelter does, and that’s why I support it.

Click Here to view their web site


Summer Spiritual Reflection and Practice

Pastor Doreen is offering an opportunity to be intentional over the summer in paying attention to God and to the ways the Spirit is moving in your life. There will be four opportunities to receive a reading, a prayer, some questions to ponder, and a spiritual practice to try. You may receive them through e-mail, regular mail, or from a phone call from the pastor.The only requirement is that you agree to try at least one of the suggested spiritual practices, and share about your experience. Sharing can be done by e-mail to other participants, during Sunday worship, by phone call to Pastor Doreen or to someone else participating, or a face to face meeting with Doreen or other participant. You are encouraged to try all the practices, and all sharing is welcome, but the commitment is to try and report on one.


There is no set schedule for when these will go out, but the program will run from June 13 through September 5. If you are interested, please speak to or e-mail Pastor Doreen at any time.


There is no deadline or cut off for participation. Anyone who is willing to try it and share about it is welcome to join in at any time. A minimum of three people is needed to get the program started.




New Members

Did you know that one of the rights and responsibilities of membership is voting at the annual meeting? Everyone is welcome to attend the meeting and participate in the discussions, but only members may vote on the budget and the nominating slate, and membership is a requirement for some of the elected positions.

If you’ve been coming to FCC for a while, and feel it is a good place for your spiritual growth and connection, perhaps you are ready to take this step of deeper commitment.

If you are interested, please see Pastor Doreen to schedule an information meeting, or if you’ve already done that session, to schedule a date for the membership rite during worship.


Pick-Up Choir: June 19


If you love to sing but can’t make a commitment to becoming a full-time choir member, then our Pick-Up Choir is perfect for you! All voices are welcome, both women and men. And knowing how to read music is not necessary!


It’s a small amount of time for a HUGE amount of fun! Give your name to Bob, Cindy or Jackie by Sunday, June 13, and we will see you at rehearsal!!



Here’s how it works:

  • Attend rehearsal Wed, June 15, from 5-7pm (hours negotiable).  Bob will teach us an easier anthem as well as a simple introit and benediction.


  • Then attend the Sunday morning warm up at 9:00am June 19. Choose a choir robe, and you’re ready to go!


Worcester Fellowship Lunch Providers

Sunday, July 10


Please sign-up on July 3 to contribute food items. If you are not in worship on the 3rd, please contact Quentin Lewis or Pastor Doreen to let us know what you can bring.


Making Sandwiches for Worcester Fellowship

Helping hands will be needed on the 10th to prepare the lunch, and everyone is welcome to attend the lunch and worship behind Worcester City Hall beginning at 1:00 p.m. It is truly a joyous and meaningful experience.



Women’s Association Meeting


Wednesday, June 1 at 12:30 p.m.


If the weather holds out, we will meet at Cindy LaPointe’s. If it is rainy, we will meet at the church.

Anyone wishing to carpool from the church should meet there at 12:15.


Newly elected officers shall be sworn in.


Collection Totals

6th $597.00
13th $3,761.00
20th $588.00
27th $1,225.00

TOTAL: $6,171.00 April
3rd $1,018.00
10th $764.66
17th $1,467.00
24th $1,620.84
TOTAL: $4,870.44
NOTE: March 13th total includes a once a year pledge