Humor Sunday
Harold as in Hark the “Harold” Angels Sing lead us in our first hymn on Humor Sunday. This was a joyous service full of jokes, puns, cartoons, typos in the bulletin, two pews were set up for napping, the lively music, blowing bubbles as the children marched down the aisle to Pomp and Circumstance,
balloons and the minister wore her robe – bathrobe that is. An uplifting service celebrating the joy of Easter – one we will all remember with a big smile.
If you missed the sermon or just want to hear it again for the “fun” of it
CLICK HERE to see it on video.
Easter Service
Service is at 10:00 AM.
Maundy Thursday & Good Friday
Maundy Thursday Service March 28th at 7 PM
Good Friday Stations for Reflection: March 29
The Sanctuary will be open between noon and 8 p.m. on Friday, March 29, with seven stations that offer opportunities for reflection, prayer, interaction and quiet. Come any time, and stay as long as you like.Easter Sunday Worship
Bunny Day Eggstravaganza
Come join the fun
Sat – March 23, 2013 from 2 to 3 PM
Open to all the children, ages 10 and under
Games…………….Crafts……….Easter Basket Raffle
Non Perishable Food Items
for the Leicester Food Bank
February 28, 2013 – Friendship Day!
February is National Friendship Month; let’s celebrate with some cookie decorating with friends!
First Congregational Church of Leicester, 1 Washburn Square
6:10 – 6:45 pm – STORY & COOKIE TIME – Ages 3-6, $6.00 per child
We’ll start with a story about friendship, and follow with some hands-on cookie fun. Each child will get 2 cookies to decorate with icing & sprinkles, plus a bakery box to bring them home. Bring along your favorite stuffed animal friend to join you!
7:00 – 7:45 pm – COOKIE DECORATING CLASS- Ages 7-12, $20.00 per “best friend” pair
Bring your best friend & decorate together! Each student will decorate 4 cookies complete with icing, stencils, edible ink markers, sprinkles & more. Basic instruction, cookies and all supplies will be provided for use during class. Plus, decorate a bakery box to bring cookies home. Class cost is for 2 students.
Click this link for more details
Feb 24, 2013 – Sunday Morning Worshiip
Worship is ON for this morning, as is Sunday school and lunch prep for Worcester Fellowship. Of course you must use your best judgment about coming out to join us, and we will send blessings to you wherever you are. Hope to see you soon!
Church Services Canceled Feb 10, 2013
IIt’s going to take awhile to clear out. Worship is cancelled for Sunday, Feb 10th. Take time to worship at home, or wherever you are. Sing your favorite hymn in the shower, look with wonder at the snow, remembering that each flake is unique, send your prayers out for all who are suffering whether due to weather or other circumstances. Then come join us for a service of Ashes and Communion this Wednesday, Feb. 13 at 7 p.m. God bless!
Christmas Tree Lighting
After the annual Christmas Tree Lighting on the Leicester Common, our church opened it’s doors for refreshments, a Christmas carol sing-a-long and a beautiful Christmas concert presented by a community choir of over 50 voices. It was a wonderful way to begin the Christmas season, in the true spirit of Christmas joy.
Strawberry Hill Fair – 2012
Anthony was thrilled to win the huge
Krispie Bar Treat
at our annual Strawberry Hill Fair.
Everyone had a lot of fun – another huge success.
NOV 10, 2012 FROM 9AM TO 2PM
Come join us for our annual holiday fair. There will be hand made items such as mittens and hats, Christmas ornaments and lots of baked goods. Take a chance on our raffle baskets or the wonderful donations from our local merchants. It is a great way to start your holiday shopping. Let the Christmas season begin.