June 2014 Newsletter
Concerts on the Common
Very soon it will be time to load up the trailer and heat up the grill to cook hot dogs! The concert season begins on Wednesday July 2nd and will continue through the August 20 (27 for rain postponements – 8 concerts total) Many helpers are needed for set up, food preparation, serving and clean up, and BAKERS to satisfy the hungry crowd. Squares, brownies, cookies, muffins, etc., packaged to sell for 50 cents or $l.00 works best. The concert goers come early to pick their favorites and are so disappointed if they miss out! We’re hoping for a season of great Wed. weather (fingers crossed), but please remember that if the concert is postponed because of bad weather – then it will be held on Thursday evening. Concerts begin at 7 PM in July and in August the start time is 6:30 PM.
We begin to load the coolers and the trailer starting at 4PM (for those who can come early), then move over to the Unitarian Church lawn to set up and start the coffee pot and begin popping corn. Many concert goers arrive early to have their supper (or dessert) before the concert begins. We can never seem to be ready early enough! At least 4 or 5 servers are needed once the concert begins and especially at intermission. The grill and popcorn machine need constant attention, as well as 1 person to handle the money box. Once intermission is past we can gradually begin to put some things away, then load the trailer again and move back to the Congregational kitchen to pack up, restock and clean up.
If you are able to help in any way PLEASE let Cindy know what is the best time for you, AND be sure to leave your phone number so she can call you in case of bad weather. It looks like a really great season of concerts – so come, enjoy and have some fun with us as we help to support our church through the summer months. It’s such a great way to meet-and-greet those in our community and hopefully make some new friends in the process. THANK YOU so much!!
Annual Reports are due!
Please get non-financial reports to Brielle by June 1, and financial reports by June 8. We’d like to have the completed Annual Meeting Report ready for people to take home on June 15.
Annual Meeting Notice: June 22
To all members and officers of the First Congregational Church of Leicester: On Sunday, June 22, 2013, the annual meeting of the church will take place beginning at noon in Russell Hall. Purpose: To hear the annual reports, to vote on the budget and the nominating slate, to hear and vote on a motion regarding Missions funding, and any other business that may come before the church. There will be a pot-luck lunch before beginning the meeting. Please sign up in Russell Hall on or by June 15 to bring a dish (or call the church).
Pastor’s Note
Dear Friends,
It took a little extra prodding, but I did get some response to last month’s article about LGBT justice issues. When it looked as if no one was going to respond, I asked people if they cared to share why – is it too hard a topic, too potentially explosive, have you just not had time? Cliff Albrecht responded to that and wondered if people’s thoughts and beliefs are just not firm enough to discuss, as is the case for him, along with the busy-ness of life that makes it hard to set aside the time to sort it out and then write about it. Carol Mulrain likewise finds “the words I keep trying to write are not coming together to make sense of what I have in my heart.” June Kelley worried about her ability to write out her thoughts, but gave it a go, and I think her heart comes through:
I know the Bible condemns homosexual acts, but the Bible also states that God made us “all”. In my opinion, that should include “all races and sexes ” no matter what their gender.
I am attracted to males. I have NO choice. This is just a given! It’s who I am! So, why should those that are attracted to the same sex be shunned; because I believe they also have no choice. I can’t imagine how awful it would be if I was denied marrying my life partner because I fell in love with the “wrong sex” ! I pray I shall see before I die, equality to all who are law abiding citizens!
Ken and Ellie submitted this:
We want to thank you Pastor Doreen for asking for responses to this issue. We believe it is a subject that most people just don’t want to talk about. Why we ask ourselves? Fear we think. Fear of the unknown … who knows. We don’t usually bring up this subject not out of fear but knowing it has been an uncomfortable subject for some.
Ironically, I, Ellie, had this discussion with my daughter recently because as I said to her: we, her and I, have never talked about it and I wanted to tell her how I feel about LGBT rights and wanted to know how she felt. Happily, we pretty much shared the same views.
We are so blessed to have many friends who are LGBT and probably some that we are not aware of. However, we believe, that the God we know and love, loves all of us regardless to race, origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or any status. Our beliefs are that we all should have basic rights of relationships, marriage, and parenting. Basic rights to us are also religious freedom, employment, living accommodations, and objecting to state laws that prohibit same sex marriage.
If we remember correctly, several years ago while we were searching for a ‘new’ church home, one of the first questions we asked was if FCC Leicester was an “Open and Affirming” church. Sadly, the answer was no but we had hopes that someday that may change. So, in our opinion, we would welcome the opportunity for FCC to engage in the process. As you mention, there is no commitment to have a conversation and consider different views. We know that we would be thrilled to be part of a faithful and loving church that does not discriminate against any one for any reason.
And from Chris Cathcart:
My thoughts on this issue are difficult for me to put into words in a way as to not offend someone, but I will try. I feel that no one can choose who they fall in love with and that often in any kind of relationship when we use our head to do the choosing instead of our hearts we miss the mark and it ends badly. But when we use our hearts – we win. I think that whomever your heart falls in love with is the person that God meant you to be with at that period in your life. I also believe that everyone has someone who is their perfect mate and I don’t think it should matter whether that mate is male, female, black, pink, Jewish, Catholic or Congregationalist. I think it only matters that you are meant to be together – that this is God’s plan.
I don’t think that anyone should ever be discriminated against for any reason. This being said, sometimes I think our anti-discrimination attempts backfire on us and that is the first thing people claim even when it is not warranted. I wish that we could figure out a way to get through to everyone that people are people and we should all take care of and love one another – we should let our hearts lead the way and not our fears. We should not have to hear about, argue about or worry about discrimination because it totally goes against everything that I believe our Higher Power wants us to know and to live. No one should ever be discriminated against and I think most people would agree to that statement but I think that people are afraid of that which they do not understand.
All of that being said, as to our Church becoming Open and Affirming – I firmly believe that we should not have to announce that we welcome LGBT people – I firmly believe we should just welcome them. I don’t believe we need to make a statement about it just like we would never say we welcome people of color or we welcome heterosexual people. It is just a given. We are a loving Church community and we just should welcome everyone without having to be specific about just who is welcome.
This is my opinion. It is what I believe. I am very confident in what I believe and understand that others will not agree with me. I don’t feel that I need to defend my opinions or force them on others. It is just what my heart tells me is right.
Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. I appreciate what Chris says about not wanting to offend people, and it always takes courage to put your views out there. I feel my experiment has been a great success. I was looking to have difficult but respectful conversations, and that is what happened in this space. May we all be blessed with the true connections that come from deeper understanding of and respect for one another. Surely the Spirit is in this place.
Love, Pastor Doreen
P.S. I am seeking input on family needs / interests regarding religious education and spiritual formation for children. I will be sending out a survey by e-mail and by regular mail. If you have children age 16 and younger, and do not receive one, please let me know. And please, won’t you take a few minutes to complete the survey and send it back. I can’t stress how helpful the information will be as we move forward.
Motion on Missions by Rev. Doreen Oughton
For the past few years I have raised the issue of including a budget line item for mission giving, and I believe it is time to put the matter to a vote. Ken Latham is in agreement with this, and together we drafted a motion that he will make at Annual Meeting on June 22. You may have questions or concerns, and the Council thought it would be helpful to host an informational session before the Annual Meeting. Ken and I will be available to discuss, answer your questions if we can, and receive your input, on Sunday, June 1 beginning at 11:45 in Russell Hall. We are also willing to hold another session on Wednesday, June 11 at 6:30 p.m. if necessary. Below is the first draft of the motion, and the reasoning for it. We hope you will join us for this important discussion.
Draft Motion on Missions Budget
Beginning in the 2015/2016 budget year, designate 3% of the previous year’s operating income (fundraising income; trustee giving; Women’s Association giving; rental income; loose offering; and pledges and envelopes except for mission giving) as a budget line item for Outreach / Mission Giving. The total amount would be divided, part of it paying for our UCC and Central Association dues (Fellowship dues) and part going to local charities as recommended by the Mission Committee and voted on by the church membership.
Reasoning: Church mission is best understood as everything a church does. Our own mission statement expresses it quite well:
Learn to worship God with joy and gratitude and help others grow in their faith by sharing God’s Word.
Offer Christian love and support through compassion and understanding and inspire our
youth by teaching and example.
Value God’s grace by reaching out to the greater community.
Extend our Christian faith through our gifts and talents in service to others.
Our mission at FCC includes worship, spiritual formation and religious education, reaching out to the community, care and nurture to each other, and serving others. To enable our mission we keep up and heat the building, hire staff, send out newsletters, provide worship orders of service, make sandwiches for Worcester Fellowship, open the building to the Community, and give time and money to bring God’s love and justice to the wider world. We believe that each of these aspects deserves support, and not in a piecemeal fashion. We do not take special collections for the pastor’s salary, for printing expenses, for the electricity bill, etc. We have budget line items for these things. We propose that outreach / mission should likewise have its own line item, and that the funding for it should be proportional to income. This is consistent with scriptural guidelines for giving.
This change would not alter current mission pledging, and the distribution of that money to OCWM. It would eliminate a separate collection of UCC dues.
Sunday School News
Many of you already know, but for those of you who don’t – after much thought, I have resigned my position as Sunday School Director as of Children’s Sunday on June 22, 2014. I want to thank all of you for lending me your children for the past 8 years. I also want to thank all of you who have supported my efforts both in the Sunday School program as well as in integrating the children into church life more than they had been. By including them in things they have traditionally not been included in and by showing them how very loved they are and that our church is a place they can always come home to.
It is my hope that many of the families who have blessed me with their children will join us in worship both in the weeks leading up to and also on Children’s Sunday. It has pained me this year to see the attendance drop off so much.
To my knowledge, we have yet to have anyone come forward with a calling to lead our Sunday School program next year. I most certainly hope you will all dig deep, look into your soul, listen to what your heart is telling you and if you feel called after all of that, have faith that God will give you great joy in these children – This I can personally attest to. If you feel called and become daring and actually volunteer to take over for me, please know that I will still be available for any training, assistance and support that you may need. While I am stepping down as Director, I am still concerned with our program and more than happy to help out. Please consider this – you will not regret it.
So with a bit of a heavy heart, I bid you farewell as Sunday School Director. Thank you once again for lending me your children through the years as I love them all as though they were my own and have found so much happiness in watching them as they have grown. I love them all!
Christine Cathcart Sunday School Director
Bible/Book Study
All groups will be on hiatus for the summer. The last meeting for the Monday group is June 2. The last Wednesday group is June 11, and the last Thursday group is June 12 (finish The Road Less Traveled). All groups would love to welcome new participants when we start up again in the fall. Contact Pastor Doreen if you would like more information about the groups.
Grounded Summer Worship by Pastor Doreen
Once again I will offer the opportunity for some pre-worship quiet time on t
he Common. Beginning on June 29, I will set up lawn chairs on the Common across from the church each Sunday by 9:35. I will join you when I can, but please feel free to gather without me. If you find a poem or reading to share, by all means, bring it, and share it sometime between 9:45 and 9:50. I ask all participants to please respect that this is a time of quiet, and refrain from chatting.
Worcester Fellowship
Also, we are scheduled lunch providers for June 29. Please look for the food donation sign-up sheet beginning 6/15, and please, please come help assemble lunches on the 30th. Thanks so much for your support of this wonderful ministry.
UCC Connections
215th Annual Meeting of the Massachusetts Conference of the United Church of Christ: June 13-14 (Fri evening- Saturday), Sturbridge Host Hotel. The Annual Meting is an opportunity to gather with brothers and sisters of faith from places beyond our local church setting. We experience the breadth and depth of the Body of Christ – and know that we are part of something Big! Come for the conversations, the worship, fellowship and business of the Conference. Come learn and be inspired by dynamic preaching. Come to celebrate and be joyful together. Please let Pastor Doreen know ASAP if you are interested in attending, or register on-line at macucc.org/annualmeeting2014. There is money available in the budget for delegates to the meeting. Pastor Doreen will not be attending.
Stewardship Committee
We would like to say THANK YOU to all that made the commitment to fill out a pledge card for the upcoming fiscal year to the church. Pledging is a faithful practice and we know that you did so with joy and feeling blessed! We decided this year to keep it simple and trust that our message to encourage the commitment is far more important than the monetary amount. We would also like to say THANK YOU to Pastor Doreen for her Stewardship Sermon on May 4th. We are ever so grateful for you, your challenging us and your inspirations.
On Dedication Day, May 11th and to date, May 16th, we have received 14 pledges totaling $25,354.00. There also have been 5 pledges to Missions totaling $872.00. We anticipate a few more. If you need a pledge card, we have more available.
THANK YOU ALL – we are indeed blessed.
In Christ’s Love,
Deb Entwistle and Ellie Latham
Collector’s Report by Ellie Latham (as of 5-14-14)
Loose Offerings Envelopes/Pledges Special Totals
4-27 $ 35.00 $ 830.50 $ 865.50
5-04 $ 64.00 $1,243.00 $ 20.00* $1,327.00
5-11 $ 57.00 $ 538.00 $ 595.00
Totals $156.00 $2,611.50 $ 20.00 $2,787.50
*Lent/Easter Offerings
** Initial Offerings
Stop Hunger Now – not in figures ($20)
Never underestimate the power of prayer. You are invited, as you read this, to add your prayers for those listed. Take a moment to breathe in God’s Spirit, and channel your good will and hopes to each person or situation named. You might imagine them surrounded by a healing light, or held in God’s hand. May this simple practice fill you with peace and hope.
• For Howard and Charlotte Stevens, Phyllis Gallant and Christina King – that God continues to give them strength as they go through the difficulties of aging, and for my children – Ben, Andrew and Liam Cathcart that they receive strength, patience, clarity and love.
• For those in California suffering loss related to the wildfires.
• For Nathaniel Tilander and family, relatives of Sue Morowski. Nathanial passed away. Sue also requested prayers for former coworkers who passed away – Edward Thebedo and Janice Berthiuame. Prayers for Sue also, at the anniversary of her father’s death on May 17.
• For the Miners in Turkey and their families.
• For the Nigerian girls abducted and their families. For all who suffer with health or mental health issues.
• For Andy Gustafson and all those who love him, as he copes with advanced cancer. Andy is an Area Conference Minister in the Central Association, and has worked passionately and tirelessly helping churches understand stewardship. He is a very dear man, and is at the point of entering hospice care. (Update: Andy passed away on May 22.)
• For Cathy Stone and her family on the loss of her husband and for all families that are in turmoil as well as children, all over the world, who have been taken and have lost the innocence and beauty of just being a child.
• For the MacDonald family – Brielle, Brian, Drew and Zach, who welcome Elia Rae (4.4 lbs at birth, but just fine!) into the family. Prayers for much joy, for energy, for rest when needed.
• Continued prayers and blessings for Zack Hare who was diagnosed last January with Leukemia and had a bone marrow transplant last June. He is doing terrific! All restrictions have been lifted and he is back to being a typical kid (able to go to school and play baseball).
• For Anne Mulrain’s friend Lynn whom she met through the adoption class ~ she has had an infant from DCF in her care since she was born in September and now has to return the baby to her birth mother at the end of this month ~ she’s devastated by this news as you can imagine ~ prayers for the baby as well, that God will watch over her and keep her safe wherever she is.
• For Bob Shauris, who has torn a tendon right off his knee cap. He will be having surgery, but will be out for at least a month. Prayers that he heal quickly, that the surgery is effective and as gentle as possible, that it occurs with minimal pain and discomfort, that he not go crazy not working (see how I know you, Bob). And for us as we muddle through musically without him.
• For Keith Desautels and his partner Anna on the loss of their home to a fire. Donations to help them get through this difficult time can be made to Wells Fargo Bank, 300 W. Aztec Ave, Gallup, NM 87301-6304. Checks can be made out to “Keith & Anna Desautels Donation Fund. Donations in any amount are much appreciated, as are your prayers.
• For Bob Thebodo and Betsy Bumpus and their families at the loss of their father Edward Thebodo. Ed and his late wife Nonie were very involved in the Leicester community.
• Please pray for forgiveness among family members and for strength for those who have been wronged against Please pray for release of past hurts and anger. For those who have no one in their lives that care enough to reach out a helping hand. For Ron Hewitt and his continual health issues For Pastor Doreen who always knows when someone needs help or a hug and for her incredible smile.